

The purpose of the masterplan for Land at Kirk Road, Aberlady is to develop a well informed, integrated and creative solution for a new residential development on the site which has been identified within the East Lothian Local Plan for housing.

Dense existing woodland is found to the north of the site and forms an avenue approach to the village from he west. Existing residential developments are found to the north and east with open fields to the south. The central open space within the design is a key feature of the layout. This generous space is located to the heart of the layout with strong positive connections from all areas of the new development.

The architecture and form of the new neighbourhood reflects that of the surrounding residential areas. Dwellings are simple in form with pitched roofs and traditional fenestration but with contemporary detailing.

Planning permission was granted in 2017 and works on site are currently ongoing.


client :

Cruden Homes

location :

East Lothian


Under Construction

timeline :

2016 - present