innerleithen road


The site is within Peebles Conservation Area with a row of large 19th century villas to the west and single storey cottages to the east. The development has been sensitively designed to complement the surrounding context. The detached villas to the front of the site maintain the building line established by the existing adjacent properties and reflect their scale, style and materials.

The terraced gardens and boundary treatments are also reflected, with garages and vehicle access to the rear. The terraced houses to the rear are smaller in scale reflecting a mews/stable arrangement and pick up detailing from the Hydro including astragals to upper sashes of the casement windows. The flats are set into the slope with mansard roofs, again reflecting the Hydro, to minimise visual impact both from the road and hotel.

The project was completed this year and has proven highly successful commercially, with almost 90% of all properties being sold off plan.



Cruden Homes


Peebles, Scottish Borders




2015 - 2018


Small Housing Development of the Year - Scottish Home Awards 2018