

The development is located within the district of Leith, to the north of Edinburgh on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. To the south of the site, lie well established residential areas which were a result of the natural expansion of the city in the late 19th century. The site itself lies within an extensive area of land which was given over to port and industrial activities.

The detailed design of the masterplan for Waterfront Plaza has been informed by the surrounding context. The main elements surrounding the site are Victoria Dock and Ocean Terminal. At the moment, Ocean Terminal is served mainly by customers who arrive by car or public transport. The development of the site represents an opportunity to increase pedestrian footfall and cycle connection from approximately 400 new dwellings.

The development of the dock edge, public realm and provision of new open space within the new neighbourhood will provide opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy the new external environment. The proposal has been based on connectivity, permeability and the desire line between Ocean Terminal and Victoria Dock.

Planning permission was granted in 2017 and the development is currently under construction.


client :

Cala homes

location :

Leith, Edinburgh

status :

On site

timeline :

2015 - present