Top Property Professionals combine to form essential Advisory Group – Enabling Development Group (EDG) / May 2018


Four well known and respected property professionals have joined forces to launch a new advisory group with a view to assisting landowners and developers bring sites forward to release much needed housing across Scotland.

The team consists of Rory Ballantyne, Managing Director of Ballantynes, Allan Smith, Director of Development Finance, Ewan McIntyre, Managing Director of EMA Architects and John Sinclair, Consultant at Burness Paul. The team provides a rounded view on the development process and allows landowners and developers to utilise the skills and expertise of the team to assist in unlocking development sites.

Enabling Development Group is a free advisory service for those parties already in the development market but struggling to unlock sites for development. Using a developer’s own knowledge and skills and coming together with EDG’s team they hope to assist in delivering the vital housing needed in both the private and public sector and help to create a supply level that will match demand for housing in Scotland.

Rory Ballantyne commented “We are in midst of a housing boom with regards to the volume house building market with significant sites being brought to the market at record land values. Unfortunately, the area most lacking in housing provision is the SME sector where development growth has been slow. It is this market we are keen to assist and by bringing and encouraging more SME development we are hopeful we can bring the completion rate of new build homes in Scotland up to a level that can match demand. The benefit of this is both on the private and public-sector sides but also should encourage more job growth within the construction sector.

EDG has been set up as a “one stop shop” for Small House Builders, SMEs and Property Developers who have are unable to get their project off the ground or Landowners who are unable to sell due to lapsed consent or a change in market conditions.

In our respective companies, we will each see a project at various stages of a development yet until EDG this is viewed separately rather than collectively.”

EDG has a new website that has been launched and the group are already busy working on a number of projects with potential for over 50 new units that will shortly reach successful completion to allow developers to start work on building new homes.

Nicola Barclay, Chief Executive of Homes for Scotland said ‘I am delighted to see four of our Associate Member companies collaborating in this way to create EDG. Their service will provide practical advice to smaller builders, who we recognise must be supported at all levels of government

if we are to increase the supply of new homes across the country, to meet the demand that clearly exists’

Rory Ballantyne BSc (Hons) FRICS

Managing Director

All enquiries to either Ballantynes Edinburgh Office Tel No: 0131 459 2222 or